Monday, July 29, 2013

Another one bites the dust

So today was a pretty interesting day! We though Cajun was lame :( But he was just sore, he reared up and landed on a rock on his right leg and he was walking funny. So i rinsed Cajuns leg for about 30 minutes it was so boring. Waking up at 7 to rinse a horses leg is pretty tiring LOL. But he felt better after that. So i decided hey i haven't been here too long and i should hop on and ride. I ran to grab my bareback pad, bridle and helmet (safety first) and i rode i was working on having an active seat, meaning moving my hips while he walks and keeping my shoulders back. I'm still working on my posture. sometimes i slouch, bad habits D: Anyways we were walking on the rail and working on commands and a squirrel decided to jump up on the fence right next to him and spook him. He reared i stayed on, then he ran side ways and... BAM down i went ! i have no idea how i stayed on for the rear but not side step..oh well i got up and hopped back on. You know what they say if you've fallen off more than 3 times your a true cowgirl.. or you just have bad balance! haha this was my 4th time, lucky me :o

Picture time!

I guess im obsessed with taking pictures of Cajun...Bad quality too oops :o! Cajun isn't photogenic he just stands there and stares at me like "hey go away.." Only my horse would be like that. Anyways heres a bunch of random pictures i took. Excuse the bad quality again! But tomorrow ill post something interesting, im making you guys bored lol, my 2 people that follow me! im lame lol

                                                   up close an personal lol!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trails and Tails

So for volunteering at the vaulting summer program at Garrod Farms i was promised a trail ride! So i got this fat little horse. I don't think they told me his name..Anyways we headed out on the trail and it was absoloutley amazing. walking up the trails i couldn't stop staring around. I felt like a 5 yr old in a candy shop trying to find candy. I decided to have a little fun and start trotting. And the view is perfect, my gosh and the butterflies made everything better(: The fat little horse i rode kept wanting to just stand and eat, lol. This picture isn't mine i got it off of google haha. My canon isn't really working right now :c. I went off topic didn't i?