Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Practice makes perfect

He said take me home (:

Being 4ft isnt always that bad
  I love looking for a ranch to stay at. We found one yay! And its Garrods c: I love it there the arena is just perfect. And Cajun seems to love it a lot. The 3rd day we were there the buckle series was on and i watched it. It seems pretty fun and easy. I'm going to be in the buckle series in September. I'm going to do equitation. Hopefully Cajun wont randomly stop and take a break._. I hate carrying around a crop i just don't like using it. It feels mean D:. But i've been trying to get him from a trot to a walk. He does perfect going to a trot to a canter back to a trot. If i have him stop he likes to slide stop. And i go forward, i know i know bad seat. But i just never see it coming. Hmph. But i've been practicing a lot lately. Hopefully ill be good enough by time the buckle series starts :D I Sorry i haven't been posting lately at all. With school and the moving places i haven't had any time to sit down and write. Well in other horsie news i was at my trainers place and i saw this little Shetland (or we like to call them shitlands c; )  looking pony. It was the sweetest little thing ever. I hopped on because i haven't ridden something small in a while. Because Cajun is 16hh. He is so tall..Anyways the pony was probably like dear god help me but he was just fine. I shouldv'e got a pony to have it pull a cart! That would be so fun. I know Cajun would be to tired and lazy. Anyways i will take videos of me riding and post them(:!